基本結構要求爲至少1名股東, 1名董事及1名公司法定秘書。
我們提供的會計理帳服務由月結、年結,至一次過處理數年累積的會計記錄及單據,均一應俱全。我們亦會因應客戶的需求,安排專人上門到客戶的公司,提供會計理帳服務。 面對競爭日益激烈的市場,一般中小型公司都會致力減省成本,以增強公司的競爭力。精簡公司人手及把服務外判是其中一種有效達成以上目標的方法。會計簿記是一項費時但必需的工作,如果將此項工作外判給專業會計師行,由會計師處理及跟進以電腦記帳,不單可減低成本(只需花費約一名全職會計員的五成成本),更可減少帳目混亂的機會。 我們以細心、專業的態度,輔以高效的會計軟體,務求協助客戶把瑣細的會計帳目處理妥當及讓其公司擁有一個健全的會計制度。
We specialize in incorporation and all the company secretarial matters that may be required. These included namely tailored made company, ready made company in Hong Kong and offshore company. We provide high quality and affordable incorporation services.
Hong Kong limited company required the only one shareholder, one director and the one corporate secretary.
- the number of members/ directors is not less than one, not exceed fifty,
- all of the members/ directors must be over 18 years old, and ID card holder/ passport holder.
- if the member/ director is the corporate, must provide the Business Registrations and CI Copy.
We provide the accounting services monthly, yearly, quarterly according to your requirements. We may have the on site auditing services to fit your requirements.
In the Hong Kong competitive market, small medium company must reduce the operation costs to stregthen the competivity. The book keeping is time-consuming to prepare. While our firm prepare the computerized book keeping for clients, number of full time staff, office space, and facility usually can be minimized. In many cases, companies may save at least 50% on the accounting staff costs and avoid the disorder of the transactions.
We have the attentive, professional manner and effectively accounting software to assist the clients to handle the daily transactions.
We provide the professional auditing services according the demand of client.
We have the different type of the taxation services. These included the profit tax return, employer's return and the personnal tax return. We act as the tax representative to handle the taxation matter, enquired and investigation from Inland Revenue Department for the company and individual. Our tax advisors who are experienced in taxation affairs of both individuals and corporations can assist you in reviewing your tax position and offering practical solutions to minimize you tax burdens.